Joan Stewart has been creating award-winning images of children, families and pets for over twenty years. She holds a Bachelor of Science degree from The Pennsylvania State University, a Master of Photography degree, a Photographic Craftsman degree, and is a Certified Professional Photographer. Her images have been displayed and judged internationally, and have been selected for exhibition in the prestigious Professional Photographers of America Loan  

Collection, and the ASP Traveling 100. Joan has won many awards in state and local competition, and numerous images have been selected for publication in PPA coffee-table collections.

Joan resides in Cranberry Township with her husband, Gregg, ten Labrador Retrievers, two cats and a lop-earred bunny.

"Robert Frost once said, a poem begins with a lump in the throat.  Portraits begin that way too... the fleeting beauty of everyday life compels me to create images that go beyond face-value—to portray a relationship, a feeling, an emotion."